<VV> Does this sound familiar?????

Tony Underwood tonyu at roava.net
Fri Mar 9 18:01:34 EST 2007

At 08:48 AM 3/9/2007, Marc Sheridan wrote:
>Did you see the Myth Busters when they tried to explode a vacuum cleaner? As
>I recall, they couldn't make it happen.

They must not have been holding their gonads on the correct side, or 
something.   I've seen the GVCBU video.   It's rather dramatic.   I 
especially like the Electrolux "afterburner" exercises.

I own an old Electrolux vacuum that works like a champ and I would 
never sacrifice it to such a cause...

...but watching someone else offer up theirs to the claypool rocket 
works was kewl.


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