<VV> fibreglass installation instructions.

Michael Kovacs kovacsmj at sbcglobal.net
Sun Mar 18 19:48:23 EST 2007

I need some body work instructions. I'll be installing some rear fender well openings made from fiberglass.
   I assume that since they are not flanged to fit under the existing sheet metal, that some method must be used to attach them to the existing sheet metal and they either must fit inside or outside the metal surface. 
   I would prepare clean sheet metal and then epoxy them on using pop rivets to secure them. I would pre drill to the use clicos/rivets and  to accurately put enough rivets in to hold the fiberglass to the metal while the epoxy cures. I am a bit familiar with sheet metal work and have some limited experience with fiberglass work. I have saws, nibblers and fiberglass cloth to help with the repairs.
   Anybody have experience with type of repair? I know metal is a better structural repair, but the car is an everyday driver and only wants to look like it hasn't been abandoned.
   I hate rust out.


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