<VV> 63 Corvair Smoking Badly

Greg and Stephanie Renfro grenfro at cox.net
Fri Oct 5 22:00:31 EDT 2007

I just recently replaced the push rod tube o-rings in my car (with some
knowledgeable help) and now it smokes out of the exhaust A LOT. It also
feels like it is missing on one cylinder. Right after the o-rings were
replaced it wasn't smoking but it sounded different. I took it out on the
highway and up to about 65 when the exhaust note changed and it has smoked
ever since. Do you think maybe when the lifters were adjusted something
could have caused some sort of damage? Would a stuck valve cause the smoke?
Is it possible that because the car was running stronger from tuning it up
some something could have failed inside the engine? Any advice would be
appreciated. I think I would take the oil leaks over what it is doing now.



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