<VV> So called "Super Spyder " on ebay

Corsa corsa at comcast.net
Sun Sep 9 17:55:13 EDT 2007

The well traveled custom early convertible is for sale again. It is being called the "super spyder" but actually has no relation to the "REAL" Super Spyders built by GM as show cars. The story they have in the ad is a total bunch of Baloney. It is a nicely done custom by a former owner, but is certainly not a GM built show car. I hate it when blatantly false info is used to advertise a car. 
It is not 1 of 2 made by GM!!! Its obviously cobbled together, using parts from several different year Corvairs. The split bumpers are obviously cut downs, the "Super" in the super spyder script emblems is cut down from a stock "Spyder" emblem. 140 emblen from a 66-69 model as well as a late model 140 engine. etc etc!! Someone should set them straight, but I doubt they would listen. The car is probably worth more if some unsuspecting buyer thinks its some one off custom show car from GM, instead of owner modified car that it is. I've seen many shortened early models, the body line allows this modification. This one is done well, but I want those on the list to be aware it is not a real GM showcar.

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