<VV> Using the Monza

Frank DuVal corvairduval at cox.net
Tue Aug 19 08:21:21 EDT 2008

If black smoke is not pouring out the tailpipe, and the engine keeps 
running at stoplights, then I would drive it for now and work on the 
carbs later.

The only warning would be to check the oil level every morning to see if 
it is rising, or getting thinner from gasoline dilution. Usually this 
only happens from fuel pump leaking, but can happen with extreme carb 

Frank DuVal

Stephen Upham wrote:

>Anyone as I really need an answer this morning if possible,
>Quick question.  I've gotten into a situation, long, long story,  
>where I really need to use the Corvair for transportation to work.   
>The carbs are still dripping at idle even though I have the pressure  
>regulator set at 1 lb.   If the car will run, is it safe engine wise  
>to run it to work and back (all city streets)?
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