<VV> not expected to last

Mr Lew Rishel lewrish at sbcglobal.net
Thu Mar 6 21:27:29 EST 2008

----- I would use individual clyinder head/barrel combos, as was done in the 
'special experimental' engine . Same as the USN aircooled  aircrft engines I 
used to change plugs on. . Geeeeezzz, that was along time ago !!
Years ago, before WW 11, there was a cookware co., called Silver Seal. They 
made great pots and pans. Went out of business due to the aforementioned 
conflict. Whatever aluminum alloy they used, it is great stuff, I feel 
fortunate to own a couple . This stuff would be my choice, with a steel 
cylinder lining. Therefore, no push rod tubes, eliminating a couple dozen 
leaks. I would like 5 or perhaps 6 bolts to hold them on, so it could have a 
higher compression ratio without head gasket leaks. When you experts get 
thru building one, let me know. If I recall correctly, somebody did make 
some cylinders of aluminum with a  steel sleeve, dont remember the name, but 
I have a set of aluminum  slugs that need sleeves , if anyone is interested.

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