<VV> Plastic Models question

Bill H. gojoe283 at yahoo.com
Sun Apr 26 23:54:19 EDT 2009


Some of the earlier editions of that 69 Monza were NOT as good as the current release, so beware.

Some of the earlier releases, I think the Prestige, for example, didn't have the clear red taillights (only chrome plated ones).  The current kit has the clear red units and the chrome ones as well.

Parts of the engine are chrome-plated which isn't as realistic and are extremely difficult to glue onto the block.  The tires suck, I'd seriously consider looing for better quality 13" tires that will fit the stock wheel covers better and look more normal.

The current platic, which is colored gray, appears to me at least, to be in inferior quality to the original white styrene that was thicker and took paint better.  When certain enamels (Like Krylon Plastic Fusion, which is support to BE for plastic) are sprayed on the grey plastic, a terrible finish results, and it even causes some dissolving of the plastic.  This doesn't happen with the older white styrene.  My suggestion for this grey plastic, is Testor's Lacquer, which comes in genuine GM factory colors, as well as others.

I already messed up one kit, trying to glue all the parts together correctly...Bill H.


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