<VV> Corvairs and snow

Tony Underwood tony.underwood at cox.net
Sat Aug 8 11:05:39 EDT 2009

The only time I ever got stuck in snow in a Corvair was in the black 
Spyder.   I was on the way to a friend's house, don't remember 
exactly why... His name was Michael Hunt, no kidding, you can imagine 
the flak he would often get since he usually went by "Mike"... this 
is the SAME guy who cut up/parted out (to rescue a rusty monza coupe) 
a PERFECT body NICE '63 Monza sedan testing his new saws-all because 
it was 'just a 4-door and not worth anything'...  anyway, it snowed 
the night before and had drifted slightly in his neighborhood.

I'd developed this tactic of plowing forward until the 'Vair would 
push a bow wave of snow ahead of it until the wave got big enough to 
stop it, then back up and charge at the pile and bulldoze through it 
which usually worked for about a block or so before I had to do it 
again.    It sufficed enough most times.

I got to within a block of Mike's place and piled up a truly and 
respectably large heap of snow that stopped the 'Vair dead in its 
tracks, backed up and rammed it and the Spyder didn't plow through it 
this time, it rode up over the pile and perched atop it like it was a 
monument or something.    The front tires were off the ground/snow 
and spinning free while the back tires had dropped down early-vair 
style, still touching the snowy surface but doin' nuthin'.

...it was an embarrassing situation.   Walked to his house and he 
fetched a shovel, went back to the car and we dug it out as much as 
we dared and it still wouldn't come off the pile.   We eventually 
drafted a couple of guys who were walking along the street throwing 
snowballs to help us shove the Spyder off the pedestal of snow and 
the remainder of the day went uneventfully.

Jeez, that was 30 years ago...   I don't do that sorta thing anymore, 
since buying that Jeep for winter usage.   The Cherokee is likely 
feeling neglected now, been sitting a while...   but winter will come 
soon enough.   Besides, the '60 4-door likely appreciates not being 
soaked in winter slop.


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