<VV> Pre-Lube

John Kepler jekepler at amplex.net
Sat Dec 19 10:41:14 EST 2009

For all or any of you who have much combined experience , and hopefully
wisdom. Has anyone used / installed/ or know anything about , pre-lube
systems? The idea is to circulate lubrication( motor oil) through an engine
just prior to each starting,  presumably using some sort of pressurized
system. Theoretically eliminating "dry starting" Thank you in advance for
any info.
...,Bruce/ South Dakota

We used an Accu-Sump in our race cars primarily to avoid starving the engine
in hard cornering (and yes, we had baffles in the sump, but at $30,000 a
copy, we wanted to make SURE the mills lasted as long as they could!).  It
also allowed us to start the engines with full oil-pressure.  In a racing
context, it made sense, in a street context, it's probably more money and
trouble than its worth.

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