<VV> Lemons to Lemonade

Jay Pitchford jay.pitchford at gmail.com
Wed Dec 30 07:17:49 EST 2009

It's Christmas Eve in Columbus OH and we have 1/2" of snow on the ground.
Rain moves in late in the evening, and it gusts and pours buckets overnight
and all day on Christmas. Yuk.

On 12/26 (Boxing Day if you say 'eh' at the end of your sentences), the
skies are clear and sunny. I suddenly realize Santa left me an unanticipated
gift . . . roads washed clean of (shudder) salt! Before leaving for my
monster-in-law's house for four days, I start and warm up the flashy
appearance LM (tips hat to Seth), then drive around the block a few times to
circulate oil. I have a happy, stupid perma-grin on my mug whilst driving
over the river and through the woods to Grandmother's house.

Thank you, Santa!!

Jay Pitchford
65 Corsa Vert

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