<VV> Electri-fied life (no 'vair)

John Kepler jekepler at amplex.net
Thu Jan 1 11:48:14 EST 2009

The "True Believers" aren't going to swayed by logic, certainly not by
science....this is that emotional rather than rational decision-tree I was
talking about earlier.  Confusing them with "unpleasant" facts they have no
interest in listening to, let alone thinking about since their minds are
already made up is pointless.  Battery-Electrics are viable and practical
alternatives to I/C automobiles....close your eyes, click your heels
together three times, and keep repeating that to yourself, and it'll happen!

"Never attempt to teach a pig to dance.  It wastes your time and annoys the
pig!"  S.L. Clemens


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