<VV> Electric Motor Savings Tip - NO Corvair

Grant Young gyoungwolf at earthlink.net
Thu Jan 1 15:18:22 EST 2009

I have just repaired the 5th and last window motor in my '93 Ford Explorer. I repaired the first one with a used motor from eBay, but upon disassembly discovered that they have plastic (Teflon?)gears and 3 plastic bushings inside. The bushings disintegrate over time and the window quits. I searched and found a "repair kit" composed of the 3 bushings on eBay for $2, so I purchased several kits. it takes about 5 minutes and a little grease to do the swap once the motor is removed. I have never found a damaged gear or other parts. I have since also repaired both window motors in my dad's '95 Cougar and the two headlight motors in my brother's '91 Firebird, so these things must be pretty common. I figure I have saved about $700 over the past 2-3 years with these things. Drop me a line if you need more information (or want to send me yours to repair0. Happy New Year,
The Windowmeister (Grant).

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