<VV> Nitride Crank ID

Chris & Bill Strickland lechevrier at earthlink.net
Fri May 8 22:49:54 EDT 2009

>The crank did not have the infinity symbol on the gear end like most hardened cranks do.

That is why I was asking for pictures -- here, Mark is describing the 
mark as an infinity character -- maybe similar, but different than an 
ampersand.  I have a crank with what appears to be a partial mark that 
doesn't look like an ampersand to me, but does look like part of an 
infinity character.  Which is it?

This particular crank also has a sort of squared "O" with a line through 
it stamped rather deeply.  It is a 145 inch crank.

Can't really help with Marks alternate testing other than recommend 
taking it to a heat treater or metalugist, or maybe a university with a 
Metalurgy Dept where they can test the hardness (probably want to do 
this on the throws rather than the journals.

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