<VV> November 1963...

Secular rusecular at yahoo.com
Wed Oct 21 18:30:49 EDT 2009

  In May 2000, a two-page police report pertaining to a fatal accident that 
  had taken place near Midland, Texas, in 1963 was made public. It 
  contained the information that 17-year-old Laura Welch had run a 
  stop sign, causing the death of the sole occupant of the vehicle hers 
  had struck. According to that report, the future First Lady had been 
  driving her Chevrolet sedan on a clear night shortly after 8 p.m. on 
  6 November 1963 when she entered an intersection without heeding 
  the stop sign and there collided with the Corvair sedan driven by
   17-year-old Michael Douglas. Also in the car with Laura Welch 
  was a passenger, 17-year-old Judy Dykes. 

  How fast Miss Welch might have been driving is open to question. That part 
  of the police report is illegible, although two biographies of the First Lady 
  refer to her as having been going 50 mph at the time of the collision. 
  The speed limit on that portion of road was 55 mph. According to the 
  police report neither driver had been drinking, but no tests were 
  performed. No charges were filed as a result of the accident...




  Tony I. 

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