<VV> NOW: How to reply - RANT!

kenpepke at juno.com kenpepke at juno.com
Sun Apr 11 06:53:14 EDT 2010

Every once in a while someone mentions 'digest mode.'  Sorry to say I do not understand this term.  When I reply to a VV post am I also replying to a digest mode?  Do I even receive posts which have been sent in 'digest mode?'  Is there a way to tell?   There are lots of ways members reply to VV.  Some reply with just an answer ... frequently I have forgotten the original post so their answer means nothing.  Others reply with 'snips' which is a big help towards understanding, and then some, myself included, that usually top or bottom re-post the entire original so readers can refer back for the context in which both the original and the reply was posted.  Come to think of it, am I receiving and sending in digest mode?  When I log on to my computer I receive a list of 'new' emails.  The columns of that list include sender name, subject, and date.  I am able to delete any line I chose based on that information or I can click on any line to read the contents.  Is this different than some, or any, other participants?  Should I be concerned or should I just use my delete key on rants?
Ken P


Ed Dowds <ed_dowds at hotmail.com> wrote:

I receive VV emails in digest mode so I can quickly sort out which emails I want to 

Occasionally, someone replies to a digest email and inadvertently copies the ENTIRE 
digest post, i.e. ALL the emails in that digest. It is a little annoying, but life is too 
short to worry about occasional happenings.

A real problem arises when someone replies to the first reply and CONTINUES to copy the 
ENTIRE digest! The last few digest postings have had this very problem. This snowballed 
when even more people replied. Half of the digest's contents were repostings of the first 
copied digest!

Guys and Gals: please look at what you are posting. There is a delete key on every 
computer I've ever seen. Learn to use it , please.

Now back to your regular reading.


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