Tony Underwood tony.underwood at cox.net
Sat Jan 23 11:14:03 EST 2010

At 04:49 PM 1/22/2010, n2vzd at aol.com wrote:

>is there a market for used crankcases?

Evidently...  sold a couple to local 'Vair guys along the way, still 
have a couple that I'm keeping.   An early and a late.

...I'm talking about good ones.   ;)   I'll still see crankcases at 
swap meets now and again, tempted to snatch up another good one 
sometime, just for having it.  Wear on cam bores is easy to spot... 
warping, not so much.

That being said:

Someone else in here talked about salvaging an otherwise good 
crankcase with worn cam bores by obtaining cam bearings to fit the 
'Vair cam, then linebore the cam bores to fit the cam bearings, leave 
everything else alone.

No problem dowel pinning the cam bearings to keep them in place.   It 
would save an otherwise "useless" crankcase.    This might be 
something truly practical come the times when the supplies of good 
crankcases dries up.


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