<VV> working on corvair's -- Working on Corvairs!!!

Matt Nall patiomatt at aol.com
Fri Jun 10 18:36:38 EDT 2011

To the person who initiated this subject, and incorrectly wrote it in the box: 
Who was your grade-school English teacher? Report to him/her immediately for a 
rap on your knuckles!

--Tom in Ohio


Ouch!! the "Grammer Police"   [ hope that's correct!]

I may have not needed a tow on a Corvair....but I needed a "Tom" one day in Chicago... LOL!!

 No better friend than one with AAA and a cell phone...

Jomo.... don't be offended by this.....it's all in fun...I think!  LOL!

Matt Nall
Charleston, Oregon


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