<VV> Fwd: Corvair content, Really! (brakes)

Bryan Blackwell bryan at skiblack.com
Thu Mar 24 08:44:13 EDT 2011

No, it's called risk management.  There's actually no such thing as safe, only lowered risk.  If you have a means to reduce your risk it's worth considering.  The solution might not be worth some other tradeoffs, but the lowered risk is undeniable given that we have direct evidence of failures.

Or, to reduce this argument to it's simplest terms:

"No, *you're* a poopyhead!"



On Mar 24, 2011, at 6:41 AM, Bill Hubbell wrote:

> Of course, we now have a generation or more of folks who have grown up expecting other people to protect them from all of life's possible harms so I suppose this kind of thinking is now to be expected. 

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