<VV> Otto pickup part number

rbuckridge at comcast.net rbuckridge at comcast.net
Tue Nov 1 23:03:01 EDT 2011

>From what I see, OP126 is the number for OTTO PARTS PAN. 

Roy in Bayville 08721 

-----original message----- 

From: Bryan Blackwell < bryan at skiblack.com > 
Subject: <VV> Otto pickup part number 
To: Virtual Vairs < virtualvairs at corvair.org > 
Message-ID: < 3AE79FED-F0FA-48F5-8EFF-A9F8829ABD73 at skiblack.com > 
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii 

Hi folks, 

I have an easy one if you have an old Otto parts catalog. I got one of their oil pickups last year, but I don't know if it's the one for their pan, or the 'deep' version. It's stamped with "OP126". Can anyone tell me which one I have? Thanks. 


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