<VV> Thermostat operating temperature

Matt Nall patiomatt at aol.com
Mon Oct 10 21:14:16 EDT 2011

I am trying to determine if the thermostats are operating correctly.

To test them, I removed the lower shrouds and placed the shrouds in an oven.  As 
the oven temp increased they opened at about 350 degrees.

During the cool down phase, I have read where some have commented that they 
snapped closed, these did not. They just gradually collapsed to a closed state. 
This seen to occur at around 150-200 degrees.

Both thermostats operated in the same way. From this analysis, are they good?



That is just fine!

 Just remember, your engine must be running correctly  to heat the air to heat these!

Matt Nall
Charleston, Oregon


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