<VV> Micrometers vs. Plastiguage

Michael Kovacs kovacsmj at sbcglobal.net
Wed Apr 4 16:44:50 EDT 2012

Plastiguage is only way to go. I once had a reground  crank that the crank 
journals were not concentric (the crank was bowed). Supplier made good + on the 


From: "RoboMan91324 at aol.com" <RoboMan91324 at aol.com>
To: virtualvairs at corvair.org; BobHelt at aol.com
Sent: Wed, April 4, 2012 2:09:15 AM
Subject: Re: <VV> Micrometers vs. Plastiguage

I always use Plastigage for these kind of  measurements.

A cautionary note; You should take more than one measurement  on at least 
one main and one connecting rod journal.  I do it to  each.  Plastigage is a 
lot cheaper than rebuilding your motor a second  time.  It is rare but I 
have seen slightly different diameters from one  (axial) side to the other on a 
particular journal.  I don't know how bad  the machine or the machine 
operator must be for this to happen but it does  occur.  Also, this should go 
without saying but you should take at least  one measurement on every journal.  
If there can be a slight variation on a  single journal, there could be a 
significant variation on the OD of the journals  from one end of the 
crankshaft to the other.

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