<VV> Oil Control Rings

Gary Berry duallycc at gmail.com
Sun Apr 15 18:54:14 EDT 2012

Hey All;

   I pulled this 110hp reverse rotation engine out of my Meyers Manx
buggy a little over a year ago. I was out on the dunes at Pismo and
this engine started to use oil a little at a time but then over 5 days
it was blowing blue smoke like crazy out of each side of the exhaust.
I've had this engine in this buggy for about 5 years and have made
many sand trips with it and lots of driving back roads and trails. I'm
tearing it down (first time corvair teardown) and the compression
rings look like they have 1/8 inch gap (or maybe a little larger). But
my questions are with the oil control rings. I thought I would see
what the ring gap is with these, but these rings just fall through the
cylinder. Are they suppose to do that? Is there a spec for a ring gap
on the oil control ring? In fact, is there a spec for the gap on the
compression rings? Thanks for any information.

Gary Berry
Prosser, WA

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