<VV> Convention Clam Bake

Vairtec Corporation Vairtec at optonline.net
Fri Aug 3 11:41:24 EDT 2012

Hello, John, and thank you for participating in the 2012 CORSA Convention.

The convention's original "New England Clambake" plan was scuttled 
several months ago when the cost proved to be far higher than the 
convention organizers felt could be charged to the attendees.

In its place was the "Lakeside Picnic" which is the event that was 
promoted in the CORSA Communique and online.

Of course, thanks to the rather dire weather forecast for that evening 
the event did not take place alongside the lake as planned, but indoors.

We are sorry that you were disappointed with the food selection. I am 
not going to claim that it was as good as we hoped it would be, but it 
was more than hot dogs, hamburgers, and lemonade.  In addition to hot 
dogs, hamburgers, and lemonade the menu included barbeque chicken, corn 
on the cob, chips and salads, iced tea, watermelon, cookies and brownies.

Large-scale meal functions are rarely as good as individual restaurant 
meals, which is understandable when a hotel is feeding several hundred 
people all at once and which is also a simple truth about conventions -- 
any convention.

Again, we are sorry that you were disappointed by the food selection but 
we hope that you otherwise enjoyed the convention and we thank you for 
having attended.

Bob Marlow, for the NECC.

On 8/3/2012 11:04 AM, John Howell wrote:
>    I guess what New England calls a clam bake down South we call Hot Dogs
> and Hamburgers and a little plastic cup of lemonade ?
>    I could have had a nice t-bone steak for that price!
> John Howell

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