<VV> CORSA Server

LonzoVair at aol.com LonzoVair at aol.com
Mon Oct 29 07:28:25 EDT 2012

Yes, certainly be in prayer for the folks in the path of the hurricane  
Sandy... our chit-chat can be put on hold for a few days or even longer if  
needed... but an occasional "check-in" from the east coast would be comforting, 
 if at all possible.
May God keep each of you safe, our brothers and sisters in the path of this 
Lonzo... safe in the heartland of Kentucky.
In a message dated 10/28/2012 11:56:27 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  
dpleau at wavecable.com writes:

Just so  everyone knows, the CORSA server resides in hutch in Bryan
Blackwell's  dining room in Springfield, VA.  When the storm hits in the 
few  days, the power will probably go off and the server will go down.   
the server goes down, rather than complaining, pray for the CORSA  members
affected by this storm.  When Bryan gets power, the server  will come back
up.  He may even run the server off his generator now  and then.

Dennis Pleau

CORSA Virtual Vairs  Chairman

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