<VV> Fwd: [FC] 17" or 18" wheels on an FC

Bryan Blackwell bryan at skiblack.com
Sat Mar 2 21:35:54 EST 2013

Tire Rack now shows weights of most of their wheels and tires.  For a given wheel, yes, the larger diameter wheels are heavier by a pound or more.  Tires are usually heavier too.  You can hunt around on their site and come up with some sample combos to see the precise differences.


On Mar 2, 2013, at 1:10 PM, ScottyGrover at aol.com wrote:

> Question:--given the same O.D. of the tire/wheel assembly, how much heavier 
> is a setup with mostly metal over one with more of its' diameter being  
> rubber?
> Scotty from Hollyweird

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