<VV> Items which people discuss (humor)

Frank DuVal corvairduval at cox.net
Sat Mar 23 11:35:53 EDT 2013

No, we just can not fathom junking a perfectly good body like westies do!

Any low rust body here is put to good use!  i.e. back on the road to 
continue the hobby for others.

Frank DuVal

ps, that trip is $1600 minimum for a non-running car, granted much 
cheaper than body shop rust repair rates...

On 3/23/2013 2:13 AM, Bill & Chris Strickland wrote:
> Maybe East vs West, and the lack of Easties understanding that Westies
> junk cars that are far better than the cars Easties restore (just to
> save a trip to the Other Side)?
> Bill Strickland

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