<VV> PG Throttle Shafts

Frank DuVal corvairduval at cox.net
Fri May 31 22:24:57 EDT 2013

In general,

I say the ones with the large radius a the transmission end are for 
earlies, as the shaft has to clear the lower control arm on the left side.

The ones that almost make a right angle (120 degree?) turn near the 
transmission end are the lates.

As far as I know, these shafts are the same 3 speed, 4 speed, PG 
applications.  I must be wrong, but I have never seen a difference. I 
should place the 20 or so I have next to each other...

I did that with headliner bows and now have pictures of the difference 
of 2 door and 4 door bows.

Frank DuVal

On 5/31/2013 7:24 PM, Ron wrote:
> Is there any place where I can identify the shafts that actuate the
> carburetor cross shaft from the bell crank on the lower side of a PG
> transmission?  They seem to come bent in several shapes and how does one
> know which ones go where?  Clark's doesn't seem to list them.
> RonH
> (61, 62, 63 & 66 Vairs)

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