<VV> Membership - One Day in the Future

Scott Morehead moreheadscott at yahoo.com
Mon Mar 3 20:42:28 EST 2014

CORSA Member  - Yes - Lifetime  -  

CORSA - Hats off to the Past and a Welcomed Future.....  - CORSA will undoubtedly look completely different in the years to come -  Forget your history and it will repeat itself as CORSA has already done year in and out - (How do you recall it if it was never revealed - ie., to new members AKA Future Board Members)

Former Board Members of the previous two RFP (Request For Proposals) attempts know what needs AND can  be done and where CORSA should have been years ago - (Appreciation and a Bravo Zulu to those who have had decades of tenured position(s) and who were extremely instrumental and managed a monumental undertaking from CORSAs predecessors in its early years! ) -  

There is no need to point fingers at the Board, Officers, Management team, politicking fodder, self avowed know it alls, or those that are on the cover or in every convention issue or those volunteers that have held the same positions of influence for endless years - 

CORSA needs a fundamental change at every level.  CORSA is made up of a quiet majority - Perhaps it is befitting if the squeaky minority rules the roost in CORSA -  Congrats to those that raise their voice contrary to what the popular opposition squashes.  One size fits all approach fits one size.  Henry Ford said you can or you can not - either way it is the truth.  But then "you know the rest of the story"  Fix Or Repair Daily - Found on Road Dead - Fifth on Race Day (FORD) - GRN

As a previously stated post, there is a plethora of ideas and limited work force. Perhaps the issues may be found in the roots. 

Where would you like to begin?

Best regards,

Scott Morehead
Former Board Member
Former Vice President
Former RFP (Request For Proposals) Administrator
843 - 478 - 4223

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