<VV> Interior gloss levels for 1962

Bryan Blackwell bryan at skiblack.com
Sat Mar 28 13:59:21 EDT 2015

Hi folks,

I found some notes on the subject for certain years, but not specifically '62.  What I wanted to know are the levels of gloss used.  On lates, I'm pretty sure it's 60% most places and 0% on the dash itself and a couple other parts.  It seems on earlies the gloss levels may have changed at some point.  Does anyone know, have a reference, or have an unmolested car they can check?  The wagon has a padded dash and a really worn/faded interior, so it's difficult to say what it came with.  Thanks for any pointers.


Bryan Blackwell | Springfield, Va. | bryan at skiblack.com | http://autoxer.skiblack.com/  
  Corvairs: '62 700 Wagon, '64 Greenbrier, '65 Corsa, '66 Corsa
  '69 Road Runner, '99 Neon R/T, '00 Miata SE, '09 Ford F-150
"Why do something if you're not going to obsess about it?"

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