<VV> Diff leak

Mark Plucenik markplucenik at verizon.net
Mon Nov 13 07:29:11 EST 2023

I hope you can help with my problem.    My car is a 1966 Corsa , 4 speed and
I have just recently replaced the differential pinon seal 3 times now and it
still leaks 'allot".  This is the quarter size seal that goes inside the
through-out bearing snout , C495. Pulling this drivetrain is allot of work.
I do not see any cracks or  problems with the differential snout  and I
polished the sealing area of the input shaft .   I thought it all looked


Question,   would it be possible to use 2 seals instead of just the 1?

And if I used 2 seals would you still use the special split washer in front
of the seal/ seals?

Also this weekend I meet with a couple local club members about the problem
, one is a true Corvair mechanic, very knowable.  He recalls there is a
certain way to fill the trans rear and differential to help avoid leaks.  He
could not recall which way but it's important to fill either the rear first
or the tranny first.  I filled from the transmission only thinking the
shared fluid would self-level.    Can you shed any light?


Again, Thanks, Mark



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