<CORSA Chapters> Club policy about CORSA

Steve Goodman rearengine.steve at worldnet.att.net
Wed Nov 30 23:07:33 EST 2005

----- Original Message -----
From: <BEllison at bbafiberweb.com>
To: <chapters at corvair.org>
Sent: Wednesday, November 30, 2005 6:19 AM
Subject: <CORSA Chapters> Club policy about CORSA

> Hey Guys - just joined, but mainly for a particular question that's
> splintering Corsa SC.  This is the perfect group to ask, w/o causing havoc
> on Virtual Vairs.  I do NOT want to start an argument on ANY forum.

><snip remainder of post>

Hello Barry and all:  Havoc on VV? what a concept!!  On to serious
I belong to Rocky Mountain Corsa (Denver) and Pikes Peak Corvair Club
(Colorado Springs).

RMC first, read below please:
As I have always understood this issue, it is about insurance coverage of
the club members during an event. When CORSA made the mandatory
requirement because of the insurance issue with K&K, RMC added that
to the bylaws.  Later it was relaxed but RMC left the bylaws alone on
purpose.  RMC actually had an incident a long
time ago where the parking lot owners tried to get the blacktop replaced
after we held an autox.  As I recall when the issue of K&K insurance popped
up, the property owner decided the pavement was probably damaged before
we used it and backed off from RMC.  If RMC hadn't had the coverage, we
would have been paying for the resurfacing and since RMC didn't have much
money, the balance would have been probably gleaned from members after
the lawsuit.  Or maybe not--but most of us don't have time or money to
ourselves even if we win in the end.

I doubt that we lose any new members because they understand going in that
the membership to both clubs is a rule period.  On the other hand, those of
who are trying to get this sort of legislation passed today are probably not
going to have very good luck (and from the posts I have read, I am correct).

There are other clubs, Buick GS/GN club comes to mind that require
membership in the national organization.

Now for PPCC:
PPCC began the mandatory rule a number of years ago pertaining to new
only.  If the older (grandfathered) members didn't chose to join, PPCC sends
the chapter fee each year to cover them.  Eventually PPCC will be 100% but
it will take some time.

My personal feeling is that CORSA should be supported by every Corvair owner
but I realize that isn't possible.  The local clubs need every member they
find and keep interested in the car, in-fighting of these issues can only be
detrement to the club and is unhealthy.

Best regards to all, Steve

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