<CORSA Chapters> Member participation

Bryan Blackwell bryan at skiblack.com
Wed May 27 20:27:34 EDT 2015

Hi Ned,

Offhand it sounds like you're doing ok.  Our club has about 35 members (we don't break out family/individual) and we get generally 8 to 10 at a meeting.  We see a half dozen or so at events within a day's drive.

I found over the years that no matter what sort of meeting you have, there are some people who won't come to the "normal" meeting.  I've had some luck by adding other local events - we go to a local show and have a little picnic.  The show is part of a larger festival in Manassas, so that is some draw.  Doing something on a weeknight instead of the weekend, or vice versa, can help.  Doing things with neighboring clubs can be a draw as well, seeing new faces is a plus.  At the very least if they bring 5 and we bring 5, ten is a better crowd :-)

With the state of most car clubs being somewhat smaller, it seems around here that other clubs are much happier to have us come as a group to their events.  Some of that I think is the wearing off of the "Nader effect", and some of it is they have trouble getting people too.


> On May 27, 2015, at 2:01 PM, Ned Madsen via Chapters <chapters at corvair.org> wrote:
> I was just wondering about club participation in other chapters. Here in Wichita we have about 30 dues paying members. Some of these folks, I've never seen in my 15+ years in the club. We regularly get about 10 members at monthly meetings. We might get that many to participate in a road trip event. We only get about 5 or less to go to near by events outside our club. It doesn't sound like much, until you look at the percentage.
> I'm wondering how other clubs do? Do you get 30% of your members to show up at meetings or events? Is 17% a big number to travel to other events?
> Do we have a problem or are we just a small club?

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