<CORSA Chapters> Chapter Web Sites - Is your chapter website up-to-date?

Allan Lacki redbat01 at verizon.net
Wed Jul 18 13:12:19 EDT 2018

 Hello Chapter Officers,

Earlier this month, I received a phone call from Bruce Levitch.  Bruce is a former member of the CORSA Board.  We had a good conversation.

Among other things, he mentioned that he visited the website of a chapter to which he formerly belonged, back before he moved across the country.  He was dismayed to see that it was terribly out of date.  What was especially disturbing was that the chapter officers named on the website were no longer serving in those capacities.  In fact, one of them had passed away several years ago.  

Imagine a potential member, calling the phone numbers listed on that site, and being told by the poor widow that her husband is dead!  Not a good impression for the chapter, and equally disturbing for the widow!  (The same would apply in the case of deceased female officers, of course).

So, if you haven't already done so, please take a look at your own chapter website and, if necessary, update the contact information if nothing else.  And if the website has an online calendar or online photo galleries, please update them as well.  Sure, old photos are fine, so long as the captions don't date them.

Allan Lacki, Eastern Region Director

Corvair Society of America

redbat01 at verizon.net

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