[FC] Interesting Development - Brake MC

The Source, Inc. corvanatics@corvair.org
Thu Feb 6 07:11:01 2003

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Keith Jarvis wrote:

>Well, upon checking some things out for repair/replacement on the Brier, I
>noticed something interesting. The Master Cylinder is a 2 bolt car (62-66)
>MC, but it has provisions for four bolts. After noting the relative prices
>of the master cylinders for the 61-early 62 versus the car, I realize why it
>was done.
The 1962-6 Pass MC was used on  1963-5 FCs.
Our MC = RS (remanfactuered) MC are same price
and US (New production) FC MC's are only slightly higher

> It seems to seal just fine to the firewall, and the only problem
>right now is that it's leaking from around the pushrod.
You must act soon progression - seeping, leaking, gushing...
Options - you could remove, disassemble, clean and inspect the cylinder 
bore and perhaps ? carefully hone and install a service kit.
Or just replace MC  Assembly
or upgrade to an engineered Dual MC Kit.

> Anyone else seen this done/done this? For that matter, does it mean that I can use a dual
>conversion MC for 63-65 FC's?
We make a Dual MC for all FC applications - see product bulletin for 

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