N2VZD at aol.com N2VZD at aol.com
Mon Jan 1 07:16:16 EST 2007

the weight of the plunger , the spring tension , the size of the orfice all  
enter into the pcv valve specs.(i am sure you knew all of this)  i have a  
gauge for testing them. you put in on the oil fill and watch it (kinda hard on  
an FC with the angle of the filler).it was put out by echlin  wayyy  back. i 
seemed to ruin into venting issues when i played with different exhaust  systems 
and carbs etc.  i cant remember what started it now.
i think i have my home made unit at about  .062 at this time. i gave  up on 
pcv valves years ago and went with a home made unit with drilled  orfice with 
parts from a late and early brazed together.  another guy is  using a modified 
valve , gutted and a carb jet screwed into it. that sounds  like a good idea 
to me. i will play with it soon. i think there are pictures of  what i have on 
the web picture site    corvair.de\n2vzd
regards, tim colson

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