[SCG] Continuing Discussion on mint 63

hank kaczmarek kaczmarek at charter.net
Mon Feb 3 16:32:02 EST 2014

Wade I think at the very least this discussion might prompt a member of SCG 
who lives close enough to do a full documentation of this car.  Perhaps look 
under the back seat for the build sheet, take good pictures that can be 

I don't think this guy is going to change his  mind about letting his child 
take this car and do whatever she ends up doing to it.  Beating it, wrecking 
it, perhaps nothing but put miles on it, whatever.  Every time I trust one 
of my kids with something, they manage to disappoint me.  Perhaps that's 
just my bad luck.

But just the fact that the list now knows about this car and if someone goes 
out to document it, perhaps the owner will realize just what the hell he 
happened onto, and get his kid a Vair that isn't as significant as the one 
he has to do whatever with.   Doubtful, but there's always hope.


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