[V8Vairs] V-8 Vairs List Ideas / Online Forum

Craig Nicol nicolcs at aol.com
Wed May 23 20:44:18 EDT 2012

david wenzlick said: 10-20 posts a day is not dead but certainly not 
near the traffic found on corvaircenter. Besides, I'm not saying I want 
the site to actually be located on corvairforum.com. That example of 
layout and usability is what I am recommending though. I would like to 
see an extremely user friendly and easily searchable forum but I would 
want it hosted through an established Corvair organization that has a 
firm interest in maintaining the site and data for many years. 

Then Matt said: You missed my point... "Organized" is not good for 
participation.... it "fragments" the topics.. Why the CCf / VirtualVairs 
and FV have the largest participation...

Craig adds:  I concur - the problem I have with Corvairforum is I have 
to keep coming back to the home screen and then investigating another 
topic again and again and again. It gets really old. I'd be very happy 
to have CorvairCenter active another forum just for V8s.  (The CCF 
software is set up for multiple forums).

Craig Nicol

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