<VV> Carb identification/article question

Dennis & Debbie Pleau ddpleau@earthlink.net
Thu, 01 Apr 2004 18:21:12 -0600

It might be the one written by larry claypool which is in the Tech 
guide.  It's got a whole lot of carb identification info.


At 11:37 AM 4/1/2004 -0500, Seibenick, Brian wrote:
>I remember a couple of years(?) ago there was a really good article in
>the Communique about carburetor identification and just general info on
>the carbs.  I want to say there was probably 6-10 pages.  I want to go
>reread the article, but I can't remember what month/year it was in.
>Does anyone remember this article and can tell me which issue to find it
>Brian Seibenick