<VV> Electric Pumps vs Turn Cut-Out

Louis C. Armer, Jr. carmerjr@mindspring.com
Sat, 03 Apr 2004 14:55:34 -0500

Darth Vair has a Source in tank electric fuel pump and had cut-out
problems until last year when I vented the carbs per instructions
from Tony Ellison in SC. He no longer has the problem.

Chuck Armer

At 10:31 AM 4/3/04 -0500, you wrote:
>Has anyone out there with experience of electric fuel pumps ALSO experienced
>the turn cut-out I've been on about for the last few posts?
>      I'm interested in knowing whether an electric pump might be a cure for
>the turn cut-out. As I learn more about the cut-out problem, I can see where
>an electric pump (unaffected by engine rpms) might at least help, if not
>cure, the problem, possibly along with sealing of the vents, which would
>have the added advantage, I suppose, of reducing evaporation (odors, loss,
>safety, etc.).
>Joe Potts
>Miami, Florida USA
>1966 Corsa coupe 140hp 4-speed with A/C and vent extensions on one carb, so


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