<VV> Digest?? -- Broken engine & leak down

John Kepler bigjohnohio@worldnet.att.net
Wed, 7 Apr 2004 01:46:19 -0400

> For you analytical types, I guess it might be intriguing to figure out
> the specific problem is before you remove the head (escaping air here
> this and escaping air there means that), but you are still going to end up
> removing the head.  So, just DO IT and FIND the problem.

As any flat-rater who has to "beat the book" to make a living, or racing
wrench that has a highly limited amount of time to correctly diagnose and
repair a problem will tell you.....knowing what's likely busted BEFORE you
rip the motor apart, and can have the new parts either ordered or assembled
out of the parts bins saves one hell of a lot of time in the long run!  It's
known as "making haste slowly".  Fifteen additional minutes in diagnostics
can save hours of wasted time on the repair bench!

Now, if you've got all the time in the world to burn, and/or humping engines
in and out is as enjoyable to you as driving (not a slam.....there are days
when that IS the case!), then I agree with you completely
