<VV> Replacement part quality

Ron F Hinz ronh@owt.com
Wed, 28 Jul 2004 21:30:36 -0700

I recall a recent message in which the writer complained about the low quality
of many replacement parts.  This was relevant this evening as I was working on
our Lakewood, specifically on the right side engine shrouding and muffler
support.  The support appeared original, as are most parts that I've
encountered, with some rust and a jury rigged strap where the rubber hanger
failed.  I cleaned it up some and then recalled that I had a couple of new
ones in my parts boxes.  I dug them up and one was the right type.  It seemed
much lighter than the original, however, so I checked the thicknesses.  The
original is of 1/16" stock and the new replacement was made of 1/32" stock.
Quite a difference!  Made me decide to refurbish the original and store the
new replacement.  Sure wish the replacement was a real one and not a cheap
imitation.  I don't recall where I got it, however.