<VV> Toronado FWD "experiment failed"????

Bill Elliott Bill Elliott" <Corvair@fnader.com
Thu, 29 Jul 2004 21:25:41 -0400

I've owned a Rivera as well ('66- series 2). While it easily outhandled most of the competition of the day (T-bird, etc) I wouldn't put it in the same class 
as the Toro. Of the full-size cars I've owned, these were my two favorites... with a distant third being my '64 Impala 327/300/4sp.

Unless you were reminding me that the Riveria later shared the Toro/Eldo FWD chassis which I had forgotten in my previous posts... which is very 

Bill Elliott

>Bill, you forgot about the Riveria.


>Bill Elliott wrote:
>> I, too, have owned Toros. The last one a '66 Deluxe. Like the Corvair, it was a technological tour de force and is the only full size American car 
>> the era that handled well.
>> BUT, it was essentially a dead end, much like the Corvair. The technology did not spread to any other chassis and was only added to the Eldorado.