Computer backup, was: <VV> Safe S*x

Fri, 30 Apr 2004 20:20:15 -0400

Iomega offers zip disc systems that make automatic backups of files as
soon as you save them. I have it on my computer, and it works like a
dream. Comes in 100, 250, and 750 meg sizes. I heartily recommend it.
Look them up at


Bryan Blackwell wrote:
> As he has probably figured out, the computer hardware is the cheap
> part, it's the data that's valuable.  Given that just about every
> machine comes with a CD or DVD burner, it's a really good idea to back
> up your important data periodically.  You don't really need to do
> anything fancy, just keep all the stuff you really care about somewhere
> and burn it once a month or so.  If you want to be extra careful, keep
> a CD at work or a friend's house.  Now if somebody steals your computer
> you still have what matters.
> --Bryan
> On Thursday, April 29, 2004, at 02:45 PM, wrote:
> > He just spent
> > several hundred dollars on professional help getting his computer
> > cleared
> > up and lost a pile of stored files.