<VV> And now, without any further ado....

henry kaczmarek kaczmarek at charter.net
Mon Aug 1 22:21:18 EDT 2005

CORSA Officers, Board Members, Vairorg Members, and Virtual Vairs members,

After waiting  through convention week, and having not heard from our
President or any Vairorg members save Matt, the following message is
submitted for your perusal.

For those of you not at the convention, or for everyone in case an
announcement was not made at the VV meeting, after submission by Vairorg and
appointment by our President, we have a new Virtual Vairs Chairman.

After Dennis Pleau, myself and Matt Nall, Garth Stapon is the 4th person to
become Chairman of the CORSA Internet Committee.

Garth is currently in the middle of a 2 week business trip, and on 24 July
he asked me to send out this message last night. However, since Garth had
been making posts during convention week, I thought he might like to put his
message out himself. Perhaps he knew he wouldn't be near a computer last
night or tonight.  I also didn't want to steal the thunder of our President
in case she wanted to make the official announcement.

 But after not hearing from anyone else on Vairorg or Sarah since my message 
of early this AM,  Our
new Chairman speaks in the message that follows.

I know all of us join Vairorg in welcoming Garth into his new job as VV

Hank Kaczmarek
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Garth Stapon" <stapon1 at earthlink.net>
To: "henry kaczmarek" <kaczmarek at charter.net>
Sent: Sunday, July 24, 2005 8:23 PM
Subject: New Chairman's message

> Hank:
> I have a two week business trip starting tomorrow.
> Please forward this to the Vair Org group for review on my behalf. If they
> agree with the content, I would appreciate it if you would send it out on
> my behalf.

> Hello:
> My name is Garth Stapon and I live in New Milford, CT. I have owned a
> Corvair for several years and now have two in my stable. (65 Canadian -500
> Sedan 110 Hp PG & 65 Canadian Monza with a 62 Spyder Turbo motor) Neither
> are on the road right now and are work in process. I could not attend the
> convention this year, but based on what I am hearing, it was a great
> success that was enjoyed by all. My hearty congratulations to the people
> that were active in organizing this event.
> I thought I would tell you all a little bit about my background, as my
> message in the Communiqué was very brief.
> I was born in Winnipeg, Manitoba in 1961 & left there for Toronto, Ontario
> in 1985 where I purchased my first Corvair. At that time, I was seriously
> involved with the Corsa Ontario club as an Executive member.
> I moved here to CT in 1996 due to a Corporate transfer. My travel schedule
> during that time has prevented me from spending as much time as I might
> have liked on my hobby.
> One of the finest people I have ever met in this Group is none other than
> Caveman Pete Koehler who guided me through my first Concourse judging
> assignment during a mini convention held in Oshawa, Ontario several years
> ago.
> Pete happens to favor the 60 model, but as far as I am concerned, Pete's
> kindness is only matched by his knowledge of all Corvairs. As an
> indicator, Pete will give you the shirt off his back and literally proved
> it to me by lending me his jeans when I showed up to Limerock a few years
> back in shorts. (Limerock is 40 miles from my house so Pete lent me his
> Jeans so that I could race!)  I think the poor guy lost two layers of skin
> that day due to a sunburn. I will never forget that generosity Pete!
> Many others have offered advice on this forum and I recently had an
> opportunity to apply what I learned with a gentlemen that I met at a car
> show with a 66 Monza 4 door. (His problem was vapor lock and I suggested
> that he move away from ethanol enhanced gas - a point that I learned from
> one of the members of this forum).
> The thing that I like most about this club is its diverse membership. I do
> not believe that any other classic car has a following as dedicated as our
> Corvair enthusiasts.
> I have been offering welding advice to the group on occasion as this is
> what puts bread on my table. (I have made an offer to Stan East to conduct
> a Mig welding and Plasma cutting seminar at next years convention if there
> is an interest.)
> I ran unsuccessfully for the board this year. Due to my interest in
> becoming more active in our club, I was approached to see if I might be
> interested in acting as the Chairperson of VV.
> I am really pleased with this opportunity and will make an effort to read
> each and every post.  We all know that there is a basic set of guidelines
> with membership to this list. I ask that you all to consider the feelings
> of others and follow the basic guidelines when you post a reply or
> opinion.
> In welding, I have learned that there is always more than one way to skin
> a cat and when it comes to making our cars more reliable, safe and fun, I
> am sure that the same thing applies.
> One thing that makes this forum great is the time and dedication that all
> the participants put into their reply. I am not an expert mechanic when it
> comes to servicing my cars, but at this point, I perform basic maintenance
> on all my automobiles. I am leaning from all of you about cars!
> I like many of you, participate in this forum to learn and one thing that
> is clear to me is that there are several books which each Corvair owner
> should consider owning and many of them help to support our National club.
> I recently purchased  purchased a copy of the Classic Corvair and look
> forward to reading it. I also picked up a CD on why the Corvair is better
> than Mustang and look forward to its arrival. This was produced by Tim
> Verthin.
> As I go along, hopefully I can share some of my experiences with the
> group. (I pray that one day , I will be able to do that 30 minute clutch
> repair). A special thanks to Frank Parker and the others that replied for
> the insight
> that has provided to me on addressing knock with my turbo.
> As you all know, please consider that this list has a powerful influence
> in our National Club.  I wish for this to continue and encourage your
> participation as I feel that this is one of our best ways to recruit new
> members.
> This post is getting long and I want to thank you all in advance for the
> many hours that you spend sharing your knowledge about this car with
> others.
> Thanks to the members, vendors and Board for supporting what I believe is
> the Premiere classic car club in the world. If you have concerns and wish
> to talk personally, please feel free to call me at home.
> Regards, Garth Stapon
> 860-354-6848
stapon1 at earthlink.net

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