<VV> The real reason Corsa membership is in decline...Cost vs. Free

Rick Loving ral1963@earthlink.net
Fri Feb 4 00:34:35 EST 2005

First of all, I have been receiving Communique's since the late 80's.  I
was a young member, got my vair at age 19 in 1989, now somewhere in the
bottom-middle as the majority of the membership is still a few years
older than me, but there are still a good number of younger members.
Over the years I have bought all of the Communiques from all the
previous years all the way back to the Preliminary newsletters.  I have
read thru them many times and I am still amazed at the quality and
effort that has been put into them every month.  Up until a few years
ago I would literally sit and wait at the mail box during the fist few
days of the month ready to pounce on the newest issue.
For me, the tech articles, historical information, and the classifieds
were the biggest draw.  Once through that I would skim the club info and
recent small events.  It seemed like every year it was just a reprint of
what happened at the last year local event.  It only seemed like the
weather changed, and once in a while someone else would win first place
and bump last year guy or a new food was served.  Keep the small stuff
to the local newsletters.
Over the years something has changed that has caused me to become a lot
less excited about the Communique.  It's called the Internet, Now if I
want to check the classifieds I go Corsa Classifieds online and check or
scan Ebay, if I have a question about a tech issue that's puzzling me, I
post on Virtual Vairs, Fastvairs, CorvairCenter.com, or
CorvairCentral.com.  CorvairCenter is great as many of us post nice
color photo's with nearly instant response to questions, problems, and
Vair rambling's.
            I will be a Corsa member until I die (another reason the
membership is in decline) but I see less and less benefit for the NEW
member to pay $35 for Corsa membership when it would appear that they
can get all that and more for free online.  The potential new members do
not see the other benefits that come from being a member when they can
get many of the benefits for free on online.  It's like the big chain
stores vs the little guy.  The little guy ultimately has more to offer
but the fact that the big guy is cheaper draws the people who don't
realize that in the long run they are hurting themselves.
            How many of the people who frequent the online message sites
are not members of CORSA?  I bet you would see a HUGE jump in membership
if the ability to access CORSA website required membership login, and
offered temporary guest sign in for people who want to browse the site
to see what it has to offer.
Also, Virtual Vairs and Fastvairs, could be read only access to
non-members, if you want to post questions or ask for help, you need a
membership in CORSA.  I personally see a much greater benefit from VV,
FV, and CorvairCenter than the Communique in recent years.
Before all the FREE online services, a new member needed CORSA to get
the information he or she had to have to contact vendors and get
information, not all of thqat is free online.  I know that I wouldn't
bat an eye at paying $35 or more in order to have it all..
If you are reading this, it means that you subscribe to Virtual Vairs?
Are you a CORSA member?  Shouldn't you be?  I am and always will be!
Rick Loving

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