<VV> Re:5th degree...

Mark Noakes mark@noakes.com
Tue, 04 Jan 2005 15:37:49 -0800

vote with your feet while you can...don't do business with vendors that don't sell what you want or put restrictions on it.

Mark Noakes

----- Original Message -----
From: Tareece@aol.com
To: virtualvairs@corvair.org
Subject: <VV> Re:5th degree...
Date: Tue, 4 Jan 2005 18:27:13 EST

> Re: <VV> 5th Degree over new tires at Costco (long)
> > The Ralph Naders of the world just keep on biting us in the butt.
> >
>    We (as average people) are not intelligent enough to deal with our own
> mistakes...Lawyers and politicians have to look out for our best interests......If
> not them, who, I ask you! Who are more ideally, nooooo, UNIQUELY qualified to
> keep us from harming ourselves????
>       Seriously, there are reasons why businesses are having to protect
> themselves from the few idiots that, as a poster previously said, run their
> oversized tires too low in their 6000 lb SUV...Self-preservation is one of them.
>      Having a policy that could make a customer mad and ruin a sale, it must
> be a major and ironclad issue "from on High". Oddly, it has turned out that
> instead of CEO's running the companies, its really the legal Dept that gives the
> final answers as to what path said company can take...
>     Whicheverr, and whatever...it sucks.
>      I can't understand how insurance companies can exist after each hurricane
> smashes the East Coast...
> Todd Reece
> 65 Monza Convert
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Mark Noakes

"In theory there is no difference between theory and practice, but in practice there is usually a difference."