<VV> curious oil practices

Billy Ray Richter brichter at gtcom.net
Tue Jul 5 20:15:46 EDT 2005

I spent 35 years in a paper mill.  Lots of lubricants and oils especially.
Lots of funny practices concerning oil in vehicles among fellow employees.
One fellow never changed oil, every 3000 miles he changed filters and added
oil back to the full level.  I knew him 30 years until he died and he never
had problems with his oil.  Kept his cars for years and always had over
100,000 miles on them.  I never had the nerve to try this.  I always had a
lot of fun telling the oil vendors who visited me about his oil filter
changes.  We used synthetics in gearboxes that were in extremely hot
environments and always lowered the temperature by at least 20 degrees.  The
reps from the oil companies always told me that if you went to synthetic oil
after you had used dino oil for some time then the vehicle would probably
start using oil.  Something to do with cleaning out the gunk sealing cracks
and crevices.  The only thing consistent about oil recommendations and
theories is the inconsistency.  No one seems to agree on any one procedure
or superior oil.  I just use a good oil and change it regularly.  Try to
keep the temperature down and don't burn it.  


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