<VV> Re: VirtualVairs Digest, Vol 4, Issue 92

mhicks130 at cox.net mhicks130 at cox.net
Sun May 15 19:55:22 EDT 2005

According to my GM Assembly manual: 

"rotate the LH adjusting cam one mark counterclockwise & the RH cam one mark clockwise from center mark on cam"

Each tick is equal to 1 degree so set it to 1 tick from the center  to give it  1 degree positive (top of tire out) camber.  I did that with my '65 and it doesn't look right but I've got decrapitated lower control arm bushings.  

"Assemble torque arm bracket to body aligning pointers on the underbody midway between one mark outboard and center mark on torque arm bracket"

I can't do this on mine because they're under an impervious layer of undercoating.




I'd like to get the rear wheels roughly aligned so I was wondering if
anybody with a 66 could tell me where the camber should be in terms of the
marks on the camber bolt and where the toe in should be in terms of the
notches on the toe in bracket that bolts to the body? 

Bob (still shaking... ) Gilbert


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