<VV> Re: Know the law.........

Gary Swiatowy mopar at jbcs2.net
Sat May 21 05:44:32 EDT 2005

Yes go to court, your scheduled hearing will be at 6:00 PM, but then again, 
so is everyone elses!
Then you will see all the cases which came with lawyers go first.
Because a judge is in fact a lawyer himself, and he will give preferential 
treatment to those defendants which are helping feed another lawyer.
Next will be those who have agreed with the DA to plead guilty to a lesser 
charge and go to traffic school.
Finally it is your turn, last because you have the audacity to fight the 
ticket, it is now 9:00 PM or later.....
Yeah, you beat the ticket, either because the cop didn't show up, or you 
were right in the first place.........but it still cost you your valuable 

That's the way the "system" really works!

Gary Swiatowy
been there, done that!

> From: Tim Verthein <minoxphotographer at yahoo.com>
> Subject: <VV> Re: Know the Law
> Some will argue this is why the courts exist.
> When you get right down to it, I would be afraid of a man who could
> remember every detail of every traffic law on the books in any given
> state.
> So you get the ticket. Go to court.  The judge who has every book,
> statute, ordinance, etc... at his fingertips says "Oh..I see.  Case
> dismissed"
> The laws are many, some quite complicated, many change almost yearly,
> and tha't just the TRAFFIC laws.  When you stop to think about it
> knowing them all would be impossible.
> It's a pain in the butt but that's how it works.
> Tim

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