<VV> The fall of the Chrome Colossus - NO CORVAIR

UltraMonzaWest at aol.com UltraMonzaWest at aol.com
Sun Sep 11 11:20:19 EDT 2005

Hearing all this is STILL rampant in manufacturing.....makes me glad I work 
for a company that is probably no different.....except they PAY  BONUSES to 
EVERYONE  based on performance of the Company as a WHOLE..  based on the bottom 
line....and the ratio of profits to assets owned.......and the Dividends payed 
to the stockholders....etc.

NO ONE can be a slacker.....because EVERYONE  is interconnected....and has to 
answer to an even higher authority.....including the UNIONS

Add to that ..we ship 75%  or more of our product OVERSEAS!......we have to 
compete in a GLOBAL market...with a reduced workforce....against some very 
large corporations [ GE, etc.].

The days of the "BS"  are numbered...otherwise these corporations will fall 
by the wayside...hopefully not GM!

Matt Nall
Coos Bay, Ore.

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